League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
PAA | PCAA : Stats & Leaders - Batting Register - Pitching Register - Fielding Register - Positional Leaderboards
Rookies - Drafted Players - Transactions Log - Injury Log
John Adams 2010-2010 89 250 26 44 14 0 9 30 0 1 26 112 .176 .274 .340 .614
Steven Adams 2010-2010 118 420 40 97 21 7 3 36 17 10 21 90 .231 .291 .336 .626
Peyton Allen 2010-2014 548 1356 165 334 79 8 21 119 45 21 154 292 .246 .343 .363 .706
Vernon Alvarado 2010-2010 95 313 27 61 14 3 4 16 23 17 16 113 .195 .270 .297 .567
Orlando Alvelo 2010-2011 209 619 78 160 43 7 26 92 20 15 87 169 .258 .356 .477 .832
Luis Archuleta 2010-2011 175 642 100 151 39 15 21 77 76 21 48 210 .235 .304 .441 .745
Fernando Averado 2010-2010 142 457 36 112 30 0 10 49 5 4 35 101 .245 .307 .376 .683
David Avery 2010-2011 133 427 45 105 31 7 10 50 12 16 51 123 .246 .352 .422 .773
Ray Bernal 2010-2010 118 425 30 66 16 2 6 28 22 22 31 134 .155 .218 .245 .463
Robby Bradford 2010-2010 126 398 55 89 21 0 23 63 5 3 73 133 .224 .355 .450 .805
Marco Bristcoe 2010-2014 527 1577 136 347 78 5 36 176 4 9 102 475 .220 .274 .344 .618
Ken Brown 2010-2010 31 97 13 32 10 0 2 9 0 0 2 22 .330 .356 .495 .851
Mike Cameron 2010-2014 370 1004 88 241 59 6 16 94 52 57 84 229 .240 .309 .359 .667
Víctor Cardoza 2010-2014 390 908 120 203 34 0 56 135 5 7 137 291 .224 .329 .446 .775
Bob Carlson 2010-2010 28 68 7 14 1 1 3 8 3 3 5 27 .206 .289 .382 .672
Paul Casey 2010-2012 254 791 69 170 57 5 14 89 3 2 100 273 .215 .307 .353 .660
Julián Castro 2010-2011 71 238 27 61 12 2 11 27 16 26 21 66 .256 .318 .462 .780
Miguel Chacón 2010-2014 177 394 43 82 26 1 17 45 3 2 56 120 .208 .316 .409 .725
Bill Chandler 2010-2012 221 690 63 190 40 2 19 74 1 6 43 137 .275 .324 .422 .746
Robinson Cherry 2010-2010 32 117 13 38 14 3 2 13 3 9 7 47 .325 .362 .547 .909
Pablo Contreras Jr. 2010-2014 562 2047 162 350 74 11 22 101 123 77 229 648 .171 .266 .250 .516
Gunnar Crawford 2010-2010 15 47 4 17 2 1 2 4 7 5 5 6 .362 .436 .574 1.011
Bryce Cromsie 2010-2013 161 418 39 100 14 4 5 31 6 14 23 90 .239 .290 .328 .618
Cisco Cruz 2010-2014 179 389 44 72 20 0 18 56 1 4 69 139 .185 .314 .375 .689
Juan Díaz 2010-2014 380 905 108 213 39 5 7 64 54 25 125 261 .235 .331 .313 .644
Eduardo Espinoza 2010-2013 284 862 98 193 43 5 31 104 24 32 110 245 .224 .318 .393 .711
Raúl Flores 2010-2010 18 52 4 8 2 0 2 5 1 0 4 11 .154 .211 .308 .518
Juan García 2010-2011 222 736 84 171 53 13 17 86 43 12 38 236 .232 .285 .409 .694
Vicente González 2010-2014 260 942 108 228 70 15 19 101 55 53 87 232 .242 .309 .409 .718
Lorenzo Gutiérrez 2010-2011 155 521 50 95 22 0 20 62 0 1 74 203 .182 .296 .340 .636
Juan Guzmán 2010-2010 93 256 28 57 10 2 9 28 11 7 28 96 .223 .309 .383 .692
Rafael Gómez 2010-2014 98 198 29 39 9 1 8 29 0 1 21 49 .197 .294 .374 .668
Wesley Hamilton 2010-2011 208 657 40 143 37 3 6 64 8 4 30 178 .218 .261 .311 .572
Scotty Hays 2010-2011 142 429 41 101 24 1 7 43 4 5 37 106 .235 .316 .345 .661
Dale Helmer 2010-2013 408 1303 89 298 86 2 15 95 4 7 68 314 .229 .278 .332 .610
José Herrera 2010-2010 57 185 16 53 7 2 4 11 15 18 14 61 .286 .340 .411 .751
Ryan Hickman 2010-2010 131 367 29 107 22 1 6 27 1 7 22 72 .292 .338 .406 .744
Mike Hodge 2010-2014 405 1264 175 357 77 8 46 164 56 56 139 235 .282 .358 .465 .823
Jon Hunt 2010-2012 112 383 41 117 36 6 9 36 25 24 43 90 .305 .391 .501 .893
Tom Jackson 2010-2010 43 131 12 23 9 0 3 19 0 1 13 46 .176 .289 .313 .602
Bob Jenkins 2010-2011 231 825 84 203 49 11 15 56 59 48 86 320 .246 .325 .387 .711
Chris Kinney 2010-2014 343 1176 88 272 50 3 16 98 12 11 72 359 .231 .296 .320 .616
António Lara 2010-2010 97 365 13 87 18 0 5 32 3 1 18 117 .238 .286 .329 .615
Greg Leach 2010-2012 75 260 28 63 14 4 3 18 24 28 28 41 .242 .324 .362 .686
Grady Lee 2010-2014 588 1779 161 404 68 14 46 154 144 67 220 472 .227 .322 .359 .681
Ed Lott 2010-2011 160 536 45 125 31 6 7 46 5 9 42 157 .233 .291 .353 .643
Ernesto Luna 2010-2014 439 1488 204 328 62 14 92 217 58 68 162 553 .220 .306 .466 .773
Luis López 2010-2011 140 471 59 98 25 0 9 39 35 26 63 140 .208 .306 .318 .625
Javier Machado 2010-2011 132 383 29 111 25 4 2 32 16 28 14 73 .290 .314 .392 .706
Mauro Machado 2010-2011 180 547 52 108 37 0 9 47 11 4 60 124 .197 .283 .314 .597
Henry MacKinnell 2010-2010 89 301 29 66 22 3 4 19 7 9 28 119 .219 .298 .352 .650
Barry Malone 2010-2011 147 448 53 103 22 0 12 52 3 2 47 127 .230 .320 .359 .680
Orlando Martínez 2010-2014 401 1181 142 270 57 1 34 131 79 15 192 380 .229 .342 .365 .707
Joe Mason 2010-2011 138 406 39 84 13 4 2 31 41 22 32 78 .207 .276 .273 .549
Damon McCord 2010-2014 264 783 94 175 36 5 30 101 16 9 98 230 .223 .315 .397 .713
Curt McGinnity 2010-2014 227 707 89 191 60 3 18 87 9 14 82 149 .270 .360 .440 .800
Brock Moore 2010-2010 111 369 31 88 15 3 6 36 1 3 36 133 .238 .320 .344 .665
Will Moore 2010-2014 345 1060 86 247 62 4 12 90 1 2 113 244 .233 .324 .333 .657
Chris Muñóz 2010-2011 233 796 60 153 30 2 20 69 9 11 67 332 .192 .266 .310 .577
Elliot Newman 2010-2010 66 221 18 52 14 4 2 14 22 12 17 80 .235 .290 .362 .652
Mike O'Neill 2010-2010 81 294 23 72 19 4 5 29 12 12 19 83 .245 .311 .388 .698
Alejandro Olvera 2010-2013 141 333 28 76 14 1 5 30 1 0 59 101 .228 .352 .321 .673
Woody Peoples 2010-2010 52 168 9 29 6 1 1 9 17 6 9 81 .173 .223 .238 .462
Salvador Peña 2010-2011 181 563 58 125 35 2 26 70 4 7 55 227 .222 .302 .430 .732
Kris Pierce 2010-2011 98 312 38 56 15 0 7 28 47 23 76 134 .179 .360 .295 .655
Chris Poe 2010-2014 195 603 105 126 22 0 53 108 10 12 106 284 .209 .358 .509 .867
Carlos Pérez 2010-2012 106 382 58 127 25 7 6 33 23 27 26 40 .332 .384 .482 .865
José Quintana 2010-2014 83 253 30 56 19 1 9 23 0 0 36 74 .221 .328 .411 .739
Domingo Ramos 2010-2013 344 1262 187 331 72 28 27 113 141 59 137 290 .262 .340 .428 .768
Francisco Ramírez 2010-2014 604 1931 350 491 86 8 177 411 18 10 305 651 .254 .366 .582 .948
Ryan Richardson 2010-2010 105 370 56 114 24 7 15 50 13 15 33 82 .308 .366 .532 .899
Miguel Rivera 2010-2014 431 1472 166 388 76 14 39 164 78 36 61 248 .264 .297 .414 .711
León Rodríguez 2010-2012 50 123 7 28 9 1 0 14 1 0 9 31 .228 .289 .317 .606
António Rojas 2010-2010 136 481 38 106 35 1 9 33 6 6 25 200 .220 .264 .353 .618
Jim Rose 2010-2014 272 548 64 104 22 1 30 57 7 6 107 202 .190 .327 .398 .725
Gary Santos 2010-2014 539 1708 174 337 116 14 19 119 85 42 213 754 .197 .298 .315 .613
Tim Stanton 2010-2010 90 129 13 30 6 3 1 11 1 2 11 37 .233 .289 .349 .638
Kyle Teutsch 2010-2012 312 692 100 190 41 7 36 123 28 18 84 185 .275 .362 .510 .872
Pedro Torres 2010-2011 195 505 68 108 22 4 17 61 39 29 100 165 .214 .358 .374 .732
Shojiro Tsukamoto 2010-2011 105 291 28 72 11 5 5 35 23 9 32 111 .247 .326 .371 .697
Don Turner 2010-2010 72 219 18 59 8 0 1 16 2 2 17 36 .269 .336 .320 .656
Manuel Valadez 2010-2014 132 325 41 53 15 5 8 27 31 9 37 122 .163 .261 .314 .575
Manuel Vázquez 2010-2010 116 433 58 99 22 12 10 40 32 14 43 157 .229 .311 .404 .715
Ronald Walker 2010-2011 186 620 59 135 36 17 4 34 67 35 59 220 .218 .290 .350 .640
Brandon Ward 2010-2013 211 698 86 170 40 2 49 114 6 2 52 253 .244 .314 .517 .831
Carl Warren 2010-2010 98 251 24 53 12 1 11 33 0 7 45 100 .211 .345 .398 .744
Peter Wheeler 2010-2012 32 62 7 14 1 2 0 2 6 4 3 7 .226 .269 .306 .575
Wiley Williams 2010-2010 113 296 31 59 5 1 11 29 2 1 35 85 .199 .291 .334 .626
Stu Woodard 2010-2010 123 465 44 87 12 5 12 25 22 22 35 182 .187 .256 .312 .568
Dwayne Ackland 2010-2014 4 2 .667 2.37 25 1 0 0 4 38.0 24 10 3 13 37
Justin Allen 2010-2011 12 28 .300 3.85 58 58 0 0 0 323.0 281 138 44 98 283
Merrill Allen 2010-2014 12 9 .571 2.02 85 0 0 0 18 129.0 79 29 12 37 164
Sherman Allen 2010-2014 15 8 .652 1.87 93 10 4 1 8 187.1 138 39 6 56 230
J.J. Armstrong 2010-2014 18 20 .474 3.10 60 60 3 1 0 380.2 302 131 34 147 321
Keith Barrera 2010-2010 6 10 .375 2.72 29 29 2 0 0 182.0 119 55 10 103 185
Calvin Becker 2010-2012 15 33 .312 3.10 65 65 3 1 0 391.2 342 135 29 153 314
Sean Bennett 2010-2010 7 8 .467 3.22 20 20 2 1 0 142.2 127 51 9 34 107
Don Burkett 2010-2011 17 7 .708 2.28 34 34 1 1 0 197.0 107 50 10 88 312
James Burns 2010-2011 9 6 .600 2.42 20 20 4 1 0 137.1 85 37 8 65 202
Steve Carney 2010-2011 6 2 .750 1.63 56 0 0 0 12 77.1 49 14 3 13 92
Fred Davis 2010-2010 5 12 .294 2.88 29 29 0 0 0 200.1 161 64 13 74 217
Marvin Davis 2010-2011 11 7 .611 1.55 29 29 1 1 0 180.0 104 31 4 69 230
William Dobson 2010-2012 16 29 .356 3.48 164 0 0 0 42 206.2 189 80 31 93 208
Hugh Domínguez 2010-2014 45 39 .536 2.88 121 121 1 1 0 706.0 511 226 56 286 813
Roy Dyer 2010-2010 2 3 .400 2.80 9 9 3 0 0 64.1 57 20 7 12 53
Ken Edgar 2010-2013 27 43 .386 2.24 262 33 3 2 37 530.0 405 132 26 143 565
Rich Encarnación 2010-2010 10 13 .435 2.52 26 26 5 1 0 199.2 144 56 10 44 158
Mario González 2010-2013 17 25 .405 2.15 195 7 0 0 45 301.0 229 72 14 58 244
Brennan Goudie 2010-2013 32 29 .525 2.71 84 81 18 5 2 601.0 443 181 45 154 637
Lee Graves 2010-2010 2 1 .667 1.59 4 4 0 0 0 28.1 14 5 1 9 30
Manuel Gutiérrez 2010-2013 48 29 .623 2.55 90 89 22 10 0 661.0 431 187 63 204 888
Lloyd Harden 2010-2014 21 10 .677 2.89 161 0 0 0 27 193.1 161 62 15 57 223
Dan Hart 2010-2014 3 2 .600 1.24 77 0 0 0 21 94.0 57 13 3 24 137
Jon Hicks 2010-2011 11 16 .407 2.63 40 40 6 3 0 287.2 233 84 21 74 273
Clayton Huffman 2010-2014 5 1 .833 2.89 29 5 1 1 0 62.1 50 20 4 41 68
Chris Jackson 2010-2011 8 14 .364 2.66 35 31 4 1 1 206.1 159 61 7 46 211
Thom James 2010-2010 9 9 .500 3.01 27 27 0 0 0 155.1 120 52 10 74 168
Cornell Jenkins 2010-2011 8 11 .421 2.68 24 24 2 0 0 174.2 150 52 12 37 180
Gaspar Jones 2010-2014 5 3 .625 2.17 38 3 0 0 3 66.1 49 16 3 24 85
Stephen Jones 2010-2010 1 3 .250 3.86 5 5 0 0 0 30.1 19 13 4 22 15
Alex Kelley 2010-2012 20 31 .392 2.38 77 77 0 0 0 434.0 286 115 30 189 580
Stephen Leonard 2010-2011 19 9 .679 2.44 71 27 9 3 4 272.2 190 74 23 98 352
Mark Lowe 2010-2012 19 42 .311 3.44 89 89 7 1 0 580.2 504 222 46 167 513
Júlio López 2010-2014 6 3 .667 2.92 51 2 2 0 0 83.1 66 27 5 48 95
Ron López 2010-2014 51 30 .630 3.04 102 102 30 10 0 748.0 609 253 48 169 727
Cris Machado 2010-2010 13 4 .765 2.11 27 27 1 1 0 175.0 135 41 15 50 226
Francisco Maldonado 2010-2012 12 5 .706 2.61 28 27 1 0 0 169.0 113 49 10 54 203
José Martínez 2010-2010 1 0 1.000 1.17 2 2 1 1 0 15.1 6 2 1 6 18
António Matos 2010-2010 13 7 .650 3.22 29 29 3 0 0 212.1 148 76 19 48 242
Richard Miller 2010-2012 4 18 .182 3.80 30 30 1 0 0 189.1 168 80 19 93 250
Josh Mitchell 2010-2012 9 30 .231 3.73 99 54 0 0 4 362.1 298 150 52 191 386
Francisco Montoya 2010-2014 29 41 .414 2.69 157 99 3 1 5 688.2 492 206 40 314 796
Mason Moore 2010-2011 27 9 .750 1.63 53 53 2 2 0 325.0 203 59 12 70 329
Will Moore 2010-2010 2 2 .500 2.14 22 0 0 0 3 33.2 21 8 5 4 41
António Morales 2010-2014 36 22 .621 2.09 212 38 5 2 22 509.1 355 118 23 160 629
Kevin Noble 2010-2014 11 53 .172 3.96 271 68 0 0 7 604.2 514 266 73 371 543
Leonard O'Brennon 2010-2012 9 4 .692 3.24 28 14 3 0 1 116.2 70 42 18 48 187
Ed O'Donnell 2010-2011 1 2 .333 2.62 36 0 0 0 4 48.0 30 14 6 10 63
Arnold Oliver 2010-2010 12 11 .522 2.14 28 28 8 4 0 202.0 144 48 9 50 184
Adrián Ortíz 2010-2013 39 19 .672 2.36 76 76 1 1 0 483.1 366 127 29 108 495
Marvin Patterson 2010-2011 9 21 .300 4.44 41 41 5 0 0 243.0 210 120 18 131 220
Terrence Pilcher 2010-2013 17 20 .459 2.33 200 17 4 2 18 370.1 260 96 28 149 425
Leonardo Pérez 2010-2010 15 8 .652 2.89 29 29 5 1 0 214.2 186 69 10 82 219
Howard Ramos 2010-2014 1 1 .500 3.77 32 0 0 0 1 45.1 36 19 4 32 46
Paul Richards 2010-2013 40 31 .563 2.63 88 87 25 11 0 660.2 483 193 38 177 574
Junior Rivera 2010-2012 13 8 .619 2.42 107 0 0 0 20 211.2 122 57 17 46 303
Samuel Robinson 2010-2011 12 6 .667 2.22 76 20 1 0 11 194.2 144 48 6 55 203
Miguel Rosales 2010-2014 15 46 .246 3.33 122 77 5 2 1 587.1 494 217 36 281 548
James Ryan 2010-2014 11 6 .647 2.39 21 21 4 2 0 158.1 119 42 7 43 175
Rick Sackett 2010-2010 1 2 .333 4.39 12 12 0 0 0 65.2 48 32 6 33 77
Rafael Santana 2010-2010 5 2 .714 2.91 10 10 0 0 0 65.0 48 21 2 24 51
Rob Slaughter 2010-2014 25 30 .455 2.37 343 5 0 0 57 612.2 401 161 37 279 733
Dave Stephens 2010-2012 17 17 .500 2.55 73 32 5 4 10 286.1 225 81 12 56 292
Johnny Stephens 2010-2014 19 15 .559 2.40 122 31 7 3 3 374.2 265 100 26 140 411
Michael Stroud 2010-2014 18 27 .400 3.73 62 62 22 4 0 449.0 450 186 51 108 410
Donald Thompson 2010-2014 32 34 .485 2.88 103 103 1 0 0 621.0 519 199 38 190 611
Stephen Torres 2010-2010 10 11 .476 3.27 27 27 7 3 0 192.2 160 70 9 84 199
Andrés Tovar 2010-2011 7 8 .467 2.87 78 0 0 0 2 113.0 86 36 8 25 118
Masayoshi Tsuchiya 2010-2013 40 21 .656 1.85 80 80 18 10 0 593.2 385 122 29 89 707
Salvador Uribe 2010-2010 6 1 .857 1.11 13 13 0 0 0 81.0 42 10 3 17 92
Michael Vargas 2010-2011 8 15 .348 3.28 30 30 7 2 0 228.0 190 83 10 63 209
Kazunori Yamashita 2010-2014 8 2 .800 1.95 19 15 1 1 0 110.2 86 24 5 18 82
162 Players
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