Simpson Spins 4-0 Shutout
Thursday, September 17th , 2015
The New Orleans Pelicans were almost helpless in their 4-0 loss to the Austin Cowboys and hurler Bill Simpson. Simpson kept the Pelicans confused all game, spinning a 4-hit shutout.

"Tip your hat to Simpson," New Orleans manager Day Breaker said in a postgame interview. "He kept us off balance all night."

The 34-year-old right-hander had no walks and 6 strikeouts in a strong performance.

"It just happened to be one of those games where even when I made mistakes, they either fouled them off or someone would make a fine defensive play," Simpson said. "It was just one of those games that things went my way."

For this year, Simpson has chalked up 13 wins and 10 losses in 30 starts with 130 strikeouts in 194.2 innings and a 4.02 ERA.

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