P Carlos 'Tuba' García #43
Age: 48 | Bats: L | Throws: R | Morale: Normal
0 0 0-0 0 0.00 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.0
Overall Pot. Overall Vs Left Vs Right Pot.
Stuff 7 7 7 7
Movement 6 6 6 6
Control 9 9 9 9
Pitch Cur. Pot.
Curveball 7 7
Changeup 6 6
Splitter 7 7
Cutter 6 6
Forkball 7 7
Velocity 92-94 Mph
Stamina 8
Suggested Role Starter
Type Neutral
Hold Runners 6
Defense 5
Running Speed: 1
Stealing Ability: 1
Baserunning Inst.: 1
Sacrifice Bunt: 8
Bunt for Hit: 1
Date Vs. Result Start IP H R ER BB K Dec
Carlos brings a level-headedness to the clubhouse.
High: Loyalty
Low: Leader, Adaptability, Greed
Born in:Jarabacoa, LA
Height:6' 1"
Weight:240 lbs
Local Popularity:Insignificant
National Pop.:Insignificant
Signed Through:-
Major Service:
Service This Yr:
40-Man Service:
Pro Service:
Arbitration Eligibility:
Option Years:
Contract Extension:
Drafted:1986, 1st Pick in Round 1
1987 Portland - BSBL 21 15 15 2 7 0 4.64 77.2 81 41 40 5 39 77 0 0 1.55 .350 3.92 1.1 87
1988 Portland - BSBL 22 35 35 15 11 0 3.07 234.2 180 84 80 21 78 270 4 0 1.10 .290 3.47 4.9 132
1989 Portland - BSBL 23 32 32 10 14 0 3.61 212.0 202 99 85 35 59 245 1 0 1.23 .326 4.25 2.1 110
1990 Portland - BSBL 24 32 32 12 12 0 3.71 225.2 207 95 93 25 45 261 2 1 1.12 .325 3.12 5.1 102
1991 Portland - BSBL 25 33 33 8 11 0 4.06 215.0 223 106 97 35 45 257 1 0 1.25 .344 3.83 2.5 91
1992 Portland - BSBL 26 33 33 10 19 0 4.04 218.1 203 105 98 28 53 254 3 0 1.17 .321 3.70 3.2 95
1993 Salt Lake City - BSBL 27 34 34 14 14 0 4.21 248.0 231 122 116 50 31 296 8 2 1.06 .309 4.06 3.0 94
1994 Salt Lake City - BSBL 28 32 32 20 7 0 3.58 244.0 241 105 97 43 31 289 9 1 1.11 .331 3.75 3.7 109
1995 Salt Lake City - BSBL 29 33 33 10 13 0 5.07 218.1 221 135 123 49 36 252 7 1 1.18 .314 4.54 1.3 78
1996 Salt Lake City - BSBL 30 11 11 1 9 0 5.29 83.1 85 51 49 22 11 113 3 0 1.15 .335 4.51 0.4 72
1996 Long Beach - BSBL 30 7 7 3 4 0 4.56 49.1 48 29 25 10 10 52 2 0 1.18 .290 4.54 0.1 78
1996 Phoenix - BSBL 30 11 11 2 7 0 3.43 86.2 77 44 33 16 25 97 5 0 1.18 .289 4.14 0.8 111
1996 Total - BSBL 30 29 29 6 20 0 4.39 219.1 210 124 107 48 46 262 10 0 1.17 .306 4.37 1.2 85
1997 Phoenix - BSBL 31 33 33 14 11 0 3.83 263.0 249 117 112 51 41 325 9 2 1.10 .320 3.85 3.2 98
1998 Phoenix - BSBL 32 32 32 16 8 0 2.62 247.0 197 77 72 26 29 313 7 1 0.91 .303 2.46 8.0 143
1999 Phoenix - BSBL 33 32 32 14 13 0 3.02 247.0 200 94 83 28 30 296 9 3 0.93 .299 2.84 6.4 123
2000 Phoenix - BSBL 34 33 33 17 9 0 3.61 241.2 219 100 97 36 39 319 5 3 1.07 .338 3.07 5.2 101
2001 Hollywood - BSBL 35 32 32 22 9 0 2.59 257.1 215 75 74 24 36 282 11 4 0.98 .305 2.92 6.6 146
2002 Hollywood - BSBL 36 13 13 3 9 0 4.34 101.2 98 51 49 18 15 114 5 0 1.11 .305 3.86 1.2 86
2002 San Francisco - BSBL 36 19 19 11 6 0 2.68 158.0 133 51 47 12 30 151 10 1 1.03 .295 3.12 3.5 140
2002 Total - BSBL 36 32 32 14 15 0 3.33 259.2 231 102 96 30 45 265 15 1 1.06 .299 3.41 4.7 113
2003 Mexico City - BSBL 37 15 15 5 6 0 4.34 101.2 97 50 49 8 19 96 2 2 1.14 .313 2.93 2.4 84
2003 Austin - BSBL 37 17 17 4 4 0 3.64 113.2 118 49 46 13 12 114 0 0 1.14 .340 3.26 2.4 106
2003 Total - BSBL 37 32 32 9 10 0 3.97 215.1 215 99 95 21 31 210 2 2 1.14 .327 3.11 4.8 94
2004 San Francisco - BSBL 38 33 33 11 11 0 2.72 238.2 188 79 72 32 32 230 8 3 0.92 .255 3.54 3.4 133
2005 Seattle - BSBL 39 17 0 1 1 1 1.80 30.0 22 7 6 3 1 23 0 0 0.77 .229 3.54 0.2 206
Total BSBL 584 567 225 215 1 3.60 4112.2 3735 1766 1643 590 747 4726 111 24 1.09 .312 3.54 70.3 106
1986 Total - 20 20 20 14 2 0 1.18 137.2 89 19 18 8 19 222 0 0 0.78 .303 1.14 8.0 100
1986 Holdredge - A 20 11 9 3 3 0 2.98 57.1 54 22 19 1 24 58 0 0 1.36 .371 2.37 1.2 95
1986 Bakersfield - AA 20 2 2 1 1 0 3.21 14.0 9 5 5 0 3 11 0 0 0.86 .231 2.20 0.4 103
1987 Bakersfield - AA 21 10 10 5 3 0 1.80 75.0 46 15 15 3 18 106 1 0 0.85 .293 1.22 3.4 167
1987 Des Moines - AAA 21 9 9 5 4 0 4.29 65.0 64 32 31 9 19 75 4 0 1.28 .331 3.42 0.9 80
Total BSBLAAA 9 9 5 4 0 4.29 65.0 64 32 31 9 19 75 4 0 1.28 .331 3.42 80.4
Total BSBLAA 12 12 6 4 0 2.02 89.0 55 20 20 3 21 117 1 0 0.85 .280 1.38 152.4
Total BSBLA 11 9 3 3 0 2.98 57.1 54 22 19 1 24 58 0 0 1.36 .371 2.37 94.6
1995 Salt Lake City - BSBL 29 1 1 0 1 0 13.50 4.0 10 6 6 4 0 3 0 0 2.50 .429 14.93 -0.3 29
1999 Phoenix - BSBL 33 2 2 1 1 0 4.30 14.2 14 7 7 1 1 13 1 0 1.02 .302 2.52 0.5 86
2000 Phoenix - BSBL 34 3 3 2 1 0 1.93 23.1 22 6 5 1 4 28 1 1 1.11 .356 1.92 0.9 189
2001 Hollywood - BSBL 35 2 2 1 1 0 2.25 16.0 14 4 4 0 5 15 1 0 1.19 .333 2.22 0.6 168
2004 San Francisco - BSBL 38 1 0 1 0 0 0.00 3.0 2 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 1.33 .286 2.22 0.1 999
Total BSBL 9 8 5 4 0 3.25 61.0 62 23 22 6 12 62 3 1 1.21 .339 3.01 116.0
1987 Portland - MLB P 15 15 4 13 0 18 1 .944 77.2 1.97 -2.7 .946
1988 Portland - MLB P 35 35 15 29 2 44 0 1.000 234.2 1.69 -1.4 1.066
1989 Portland - MLB P 32 32 13 24 2 37 0 1.000 212.0 1.57 +4.0 1.138
1990 Portland - MLB P 32 32 17 29 2 48 2 .958 225.2 1.83 +0.4 1.079
1991 Portland - MLB P 33 33 12 38 0 53 3 .943 215.0 2.09 -0.1 1.029
1992 Portland - MLB P 33 33 15 24 0 40 1 .975 218.1 1.61 -1.7 1.045
1993 Salt Lake City - MLB P 34 34 17 26 1 44 1 .977 248.0 1.56 +0.5 1.045
1994 Salt Lake City - MLB P 32 32 10 20 1 32 2 .938 244.0 1.11 -0.5 .971
1995 Salt Lake City - MLB P 33 33 13 26 2 43 4 .907 218.1 1.61 -5.1 .930
1996 Phoenix - MLB P 11 11 1 16 1 22 5 .773 86.2 1.77 -0.7 .837
1996 Salt Lake City - MLB P 11 11 1 11 0 12 0 1.000 83.1 1.30 -0.5 1.004
1996 Long Beach - MLB P 7 7 2 10 0 13 1 .923 49.1 2.19 -0.7 1.004
1997 Phoenix - MLB P 33 33 6 38 2 47 3 .936 263.0 1.51 -0.3 .992
1998 Phoenix - MLB P 32 32 7 31 1 39 1 .974 247.0 1.38 +1.4 .959
1999 Phoenix - MLB P 32 32 9 28 1 39 2 .949 247.0 1.35 -0.5 .978
2000 Phoenix - MLB P 33 33 6 30 3 37 1 .973 241.2 1.34 -2.5 .971
2001 Hollywood - MLB P 32 32 8 18 1 27 1 .963 257.1 0.91 +2.6 1.043
2002 Hollywood - MLB P 13 13 3 4 1 7 0 1.000 101.2 0.62 -2.1 1.010
2002 San Francisco - MLB P 19 19 2 12 0 14 0 1.000 158.0 0.80 -0.4 .932
2003 Mexico City - MLB P 15 15 3 9 0 12 0 1.000 101.2 1.06 -1.6 .909
2003 Austin - MLB P 17 17 6 9 0 16 1 .938 113.2 1.19 -1.2 1.111
2004 San Francisco - MLB P 33 33 12 11 0 25 2 .920 238.2 0.87 -0.1 1.095
2005 Seattle - MLB P 17 0 2 3 0 5 0 1.000 30.0 1.50 -0.4 1.497
TOTAL P 584 567 184 459 20 674 31 .954 4112.2 1.41 -13.6 1.009
06/30/1986 Drafted in the 1986 first-year player draft (Round 1, Pick 1, 1st overall pick) by the Portland Willamettes, out of college (USC).
06/30/1986 Drafted in the 1986 first-year player draft (Round 1, Pick 1, 1st overall pick) by the Portland Willamettes, out of college (USC).
01/01/1987 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 6 (11); Movement: 6 (7); Control: 5 (10).
04/06/1987 Named the #2 prospect in the BSBL
05/08/1987 Strikes out 15 against the San Jose Foghorns.
05/13/1987 Strikes out 15 against the Vernon Comets.
09/22/1987 Injured (sprained ankle), day-to-day for 5 days.
11/26/1987 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $300,000 through automatic renewal.
01/01/1988 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 9 (11); Movement: 8 (8); Control: 7 (10).
07/04/1988 Was selected to the 1988 Big Sky Baseball All-Star Game.
08/27/1988 Strikes out 17 against the Oakland Acorns.
11/27/1988 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $300,000 through automatic renewal.
01/01/1989 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 10 (11); Movement: 8 (8); Control: 8 (10).
03/26/1989 Injured (mild abdominal strain), day-to-day for 2 days.
04/03/1989 Strikes out 15 against the Oakland Acorns.
11/26/1989 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $300,000 through automatic renewal.
01/01/1990 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 10 (11); Movement: 7 (7); Control: 8 (10).
03/05/1990 Strikes out 15 against the Sacramento Ironhorse.
08/15/1990 Pitches a 2-hit shutout against the San Jose Owls with 10 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
11/25/1990 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $6,723,750 through arbitration.
01/01/1991 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 10 (11); Movement: 7 (7); Control: 9 (10).
11/18/1991 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $7,575,000 through arbitration.
01/01/1992 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 11 (11); Movement: 7 (7); Control: 10 (10).
04/06/1992 Strikes out 15 against the San Jose Owls.
11/23/1992 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $10,178,750 through arbitration.
01/01/1993 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 11 (11); Movement: 7 (7); Control: 10 (10).
01/31/1993 Was traded by the Portland Willamettes to the Salt Lake City Locusts, along with RF Alfredo Barrios, in exchange for CF Mastan Njururi, SP Wilton Olson, 3B Jesús Herrera, a 2nd draft pick.
03/01/1993 Strikes out 15 against the Minneapolis Millers.
03/01/1993 Strikes out 15 against the Denver Grizzlies.
03/01/1993 Strikes out 17 against the San Bernardino Stallions.
03/01/1993 Strikes out 15 against the Denver Grizzlies.
03/07/1993 Signed a 8-year contract extension worth a total of $129,250,000 with the Salt Lake City Locusts organization.
03/27/1993 Strikes out 15 against the Oklahoma 89ers.
03/27/1993 Strikes out 17 against the Omaha Bombers.
03/27/1993 Strikes out 15 against the Denver Grizzlies.
03/27/1993 Strikes out 15 against the Denver Grizzlies.
03/27/1993 Strikes out 15 against the Omaha Bombers.
04/05/1993 Strikes out 17 against the New Orleans Pelicans.
06/09/1993 Pitches a 2-hit shutout against the Long Beach Ports with 9 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
09/15/1993 Strikes out 16 against the Denver Grizzlies.
10/03/1993 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Minneapolis Millers with 10 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
01/01/1994 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 11 (11); Movement: 7 (7); Control: 10 (10).
02/28/1994 Strikes out 16 against the Omaha Bombers.
03/14/1994 Strikes out 16 against the Oakland Acorns.
03/28/1994 Strikes out 15 against the Seattle Rainiers.
03/28/1994 Strikes out 16 against the Houston Lone Stars.
03/28/1994 Strikes out 17 against the Denver Grizzlies.
04/04/1994 Strikes out 15 against the El Paso Banditos.
06/10/1994 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Phoenix Fireballs with 10 strikeouts and 2 BB allowed!
07/04/1994 Was selected to the 1994 Big Sky Baseball All-Star Game.
09/17/1994 Strikes out 15 against the Minneapolis Millers.
11/02/1994 Finished 2nd in 1994 BSBL PL Golden Arm voting.
01/01/1995 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 11 (11); Movement: 7 (7); Control: 10 (10).
03/06/1995 Strikes out 15 against the Kansas City Jacks.
03/06/1995 Strikes out 15 against the Los Angeles Angels.
03/13/1995 Strikes out 16 against the Phoenix Fireballs.
03/20/1995 Strikes out 15 against the Phoenix Fireballs.
03/20/1995 Strikes out 15 against the Omaha Bombers.
05/20/1995 Collects his 2000th career Big Sky Baseball strikeout!
08/12/1995 Strikes out 17 against the Minneapolis Millers.
09/03/1995 Pitches a 1-hit shutout against the Omaha Bombers with 5 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
01/01/1996 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 11 (11); Movement: 6 (6); Control: 10 (10).
04/19/1996 Strikes out 20 against the Oklahoma 89ers.
06/03/1996 Was traded by the Salt Lake City Locusts to the Long Beach Ports, along with C Denver Dean, LF Jeremías Rojas, in exchange for C Jeff Sánchez, LF Gregory Guevara, RF Arturo Vega, a 1st draft pick.
07/22/1996 Was traded by the Long Beach Ports to the Phoenix Fireballs in exchange for SP Ron Jackson.
10/28/1996 Wins the 1996 Series of the West with the Long Beach Ports.
01/01/1997 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 11 (11); Movement: 6 (6); Control: 10 (10).
04/24/1997 Collects his 2500th career Big Sky Baseball strikeout!
07/06/1997 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Kansas City Jacks with 13 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
08/16/1997 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the San Francisco Seals with 10 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
10/01/1997 Wins the BSBL PL Pitcher of the Month Award.
01/01/1998 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 11 (11); Movement: 6 (6); Control: 10 (10).
05/18/1998 Pitches a 5-hit shutout against the Kansas City Jacks with 15 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
07/06/1998 Was selected to the 1998 Big Sky Baseball All-Star Game.
08/08/1998 Collects his 3000th career Big Sky Baseball strikeout!
11/01/1998 Wins the 1998 BSBL PL Golden Arm.
01/01/1999 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 11 (11); Movement: 6 (6); Control: 10 (10).
03/06/1999 Injured (Virus), day-to-day for 1-2 weeks.
04/18/1999 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Omaha Bombers with 8 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
05/10/1999 Pitches a 2-hit shutout against the Kansas City Jacks with 11 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
06/03/1999 Pitches a 2-hit shutout against the New Orleans Pelicans with 11 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
07/05/1999 Was selected to the 1999 Big Sky Baseball All-Star Game.
07/10/1999 Strikes out 16 against the Kansas City Jacks.
09/23/1999 Strikes out 15 against the Minneapolis Millers.
01/01/2000 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 11 (11); Movement: 6 (6); Control: 10 (10).
04/16/2000 Strikes out 18 against the Salt Lake City Locusts.
05/15/2000 Pitches a NO-HITTER against the Kansas City Jacks with 21 strikeouts and 2 BB allowed!
06/02/2000 Collects his 3500th career Big Sky Baseball strikeout!
08/13/2000 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Kansas City Jacks with 17 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
09/20/2000 Strikes out 15 against the Oklahoma 89ers.
09/26/2000 Pitches a NO-HITTER against the Denver Grizzlies with 13 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
10/21/2000 Pitches a 1-hit shutout against the Houston Lone Stars with 8 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
11/07/2000 Declined his contract option.
11/29/2000 Became a free agent.
01/01/2001 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 11 (11); Movement: 7 (7); Control: 10 (10).
01/31/2001 Signed a 5-year contract worth a total of $95,000,000 with the Hollywood Stars organization.
04/02/2001 Pitches a 9-hit shutout against the Long Beach Ports with 8 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
05/18/2001 Injured (Mild calf strain), day-to-day for 4 days.
06/14/2001 Pitches a 6-hit shutout against the San Bernardino Stallions with 6 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
06/30/2001 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Los Angeles Angels with 16 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
09/01/2001 Wins the BSBL CL Pitcher of the Month Award.
09/03/2001 Pitches a 8-hit shutout against the Long Beach Ports with 9 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
11/06/2001 Finished 3rd in 2001 BSBL CL Golden Arm voting.
01/01/2002 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 10 (10); Movement: 7 (7); Control: 10 (10).
04/01/2002 Collects his 4000th career Big Sky Baseball strikeout!
06/10/2002 Was traded by the Hollywood Stars to the San Francisco Seals in exchange for 3B Tommy Jones, CL Don Griffin, a 4th draft pick.
06/15/2002 Strikes out 15 against the Portland Beavers.
07/06/2002 Pitches a 5-hit shutout against the Oakland Acorns with 8 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
08/12/2002 Earns his 200th career Big Sky Baseball victory!
01/01/2003 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 9 (9); Movement: 6 (6); Control: 10 (10).
01/24/2003 Was traded by the San Francisco Seals to the Mexico City Aztecs, along with a 2nd draft pick, a 4th draft pick, a 5th draft pick, in exchange for SP Lou Reyes, RP Carlos Hernández, a 2nd draft pick.
05/04/2003 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Oakland Acorns with 11 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
05/26/2003 Pitches a 7-hit shutout against the Portland Beavers with 14 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
06/02/2003 Wins the BSBL CL Player of the Week Award.
06/30/2003 Was traded by the Mexico City Aztecs to the Austin Cowboys, along with CF Jack Holley, in exchange for CF Alex Bailey, 2B Duane Richard, a 2nd draft pick.
11/05/2003 Was traded by the Austin Cowboys to the San Francisco Seals in exchange for RP Pedro Harredondo.
01/01/2004 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 9 (9); Movement: 6 (6); Control: 10 (10).
04/24/2004 Collects his 4500th career Big Sky Baseball strikeout!
06/08/2004 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Minneapolis Millers with 8 strikeouts and 2 BB allowed!
06/30/2004 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Kansas City Jacks with 8 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
07/10/2004 Pitches a 6-hit shutout against the Mexico City Aztecs with 7 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
11/04/2004 Declined his contract option.
11/26/2004 Became a free agent.
01/01/2005 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 9 (9); Movement: 6 (6); Control: 9 (9).
04/06/2005 Signed a 1-year contract worth a total of $3,200,000 with the Seattle Rainiers organization.
08/16/2005 Released by the Seattle Rainiers.
Year SH Rank
1995 13 9
1997 16 5
1999 12 10
2000 15 6
2001 18 3
2002 17 2
Year GS Rank
1988 35 1
1991 33 2
1992 33 3
1993 34 6
1995 33 2
1997 33 7
2000 33 2
2001 32 10
2004 33 1
Year W Rank
1988 15 9
1994 20 1
1998 16 10
2000 17 4
2001 22 1
Year L Rank
1992 19 1
1996 16 4
2002 15 9
Year Win. % Rank
1994 .741 2
1998 .667 9
2001 .710 5
Year IP Rank
1988 234.2 7
1993 248.0 3
1994 244.0 4
1997 263.0 1
1998 247.0 4
1999 247.0 5
2000 241.2 10
2001 257.1 1
2002 259.2 2
2004 238.2 5
Year BF Rank
1993 981 4
1994 978 8
1997 1064 1
2001 991 6
2002 1028 1
2004 926 10
Year HRA Rank
1989 35 5
1991 35 1
1992 28 5
1993 50 1
1994 43 4
1995 49 1
1996 38 5
1997 51 1
1999 28 8
2000 36 4
2002 30 1
2004 32 3
Year K Rank
1988 270 7
1990 261 7
1991 257 10
1992 254 9
1993 296 4
1994 289 2
1995 252 8
1997 325 1
1998 313 1
1999 296 1
2000 319 1
2001 282 2
2002 265 5
Year WP Rank
1988 7 10
1992 8 2
1995 7 10
2000 8 6
Year ERA Rank
1988 3.07 7
1998 2.62 6
2001 2.59 3
2004 2.72 10
Year BABIP Rank
1988 .291 5
2004 .255 1
Year WHIP Rank
1998 0.91 4
1999 0.93 3
2001 0.98 4
2004 0.92 6
Year K/BB Rank
1990 5.80 8
1993 9.55 2
1994 9.32 1
1995 7.00 3
1996 5.83 6
1997 7.93 1
1998 10.79 1
1999 9.87 2
2000 8.18 2
2001 7.83 2
2002 5.89 9
2004 7.19 6
Year RA/9 Rank
1988 10.09 9
1993 9.58 9
1998 8.42 3
1999 8.56 2
2001 9.30 4
2002 9.98 9
2004 8.75 6
Year H/9 Rank
1988 6.90 3
1998 7.18 10
1999 7.29 10
2001 7.52 10
Year BB/9 Rank
1993 1.12 3
1994 1.14 1
1995 1.48 6
1997 1.40 6
1998 1.06 1
1999 1.09 2
2000 1.45 6
2001 1.26 4
2002 1.56 9
2004 1.21 5
Year K/9 Rank
1989 10.40 10
1991 10.76 8
1992 10.47 9
1993 10.74 4
1994 10.66 5
1995 10.39 6
1996 11.12 3
1997 11.12 3
1998 11.40 2
1999 10.79 5
2000 11.88 1
2001 9.86 10
Year QS Rank
1988 26 1
1998 26 4
1999 23 8
2001 25 3
2004 28 1
Year QSP Rank
1988 .743 4
1998 .812 4
1999 .719 9
2001 .781 4
2004 .848 2
Year CG Rank
1993 8 3
1994 9 2
1995 7 5
1996 8 7
1997 9 4
1998 7 6
1999 9 3
2001 11 1
2002 15 1
2004 8 7
Year CGP Rank
1993 .235 4
1994 .281 2
1995 .212 6
1996 .364 1
1997 .273 4
1998 .219 6
1999 .281 4
2001 .344 1
2002 .469 1
2004 .242 9
Year SHO Rank
1993 2 3
1994 1 9
1995 1 9
1997 2 4
1998 1 10
1999 3 1
2000 3 3
2001 4 1
2004 3 2
Year GB% Rank
2001 0.62 5
Year WAR Rank
1988 7.9 8
1990 5.9 5
1998 7.8 1
1999 6.6 3
2000 5.3 8
2001 6.6 3
Thursday, June 27th , 2024 - OOTP Baseball 23.10 Build 110