a - C. Gonzáles pinch hit for W. Peoples in the 4th
b - R. Fuentes substituted for C. Gonzáles in the 4th
c - D. Simmons pinch hit for R. Costa in the 5th
d - N. Meyer pinch hit for B. Bunch in the 5th
e - C. Wiley substituted for N. Meyer in the 5th
f - C. Hernández substituted for K. Nava in the 5th
g - S. Cunningham pinch hit for R. Valdés in the 6th
h - R. Combs pinch hit for J. Pérez in the 6th
i - J. Alvarado pinch hit for R. Simons in the 6th
j - L. Bailey pinch hit for C. Paredes in the 7th
k - S. Walsh substituted for A. Lozano in the 7th
l - A. Pérez substituted for R. Morgan in the 7th
m - J. Villa pinch hit for M. Brown in the 9th
n - R. Wright pinch hit for D. Simmons in the 9th
o - A. Bastien substituted for J. Villa in the 9th
R. Valdés
(4, 2nd Inning off D. López, 1 on, 1 out)
R. Simons
(1, 4th Inning off D. López, 1 on, 1 out)
Home Runs:
L. Bailey
(1, 7th Inning off B. Howell, 0 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
L. Bailey
J. Villa
W. Peoples
B. Bunch
K. Nava
R. Valdés
R. Combs
R. Simons
2-out RBI:
K. Nava
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
C. Gonzáles
R. Wright
A. Lozano
R. Simons
Team LOB:
B. Bunch
Double Plays:
1 (Walsh)
a - G. Garza substituted for J. Duncan in the 5th
b - O. Souza substituted for M. Stinson in the 6th
c - K. Shuo substituted for R. Salcido in the 6th
d - L. Rodríguez substituted for F. Sánchez in the 6th
e - A. Rojas pinch hit for S. Colón in the 6th
f - J. Caldwell substituted for K. Brown in the 7th
g - M. Cantrell pinch hit for C. Calderón in the 7th
h - A. Torres pinch hit for T. Huber in the 8th
i - L. López pinch hit for L. Strong in the 8th
Home Runs:
S. Colón
(1, 1st Inning off R. Simons, 0 on, 0 outs)
L. Rodríguez
(1, 8th Inning off M. Brown, 0 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
S. Colón
M. Stinson
L. Rodríguez
K. Brown
Team LOB:
S. Colón