LF Rafael 'Flounder' Costa #30
Age: 38 | Bats: L | Throws: L | Morale: Normal
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 0 0.0
Overall Pot. Overall Vs Left Vs Right Pot.  
Contact 10 10 11 10
Gap 12 11 13 12
Power 12 11 13 12
Eye 10 9 10 10
Avoid K's 10 10 10 10
Catcher Infield Outfield
Range: - 4 8
Errors: - 8 10
Arm: 1 3 10
Turn DP: - 1 -
Framing: 1 - -
Pitcher: - Shortstop: -
Catcher: - Left Field: 9
1st Base: 5 Center Field: -
2nd Base: - Right Field: -
3rd Base: -
Running Speed: 16
Stealing Aggressiveness: 17
Stealing Ability: 20
Baserunning Inst.: 17
Sacrifice Bunt: 7
Bunt for Hit: 1
Date Vs. Result AB R H BI HR BB K SB
Rafael keeps his nose to the grindstone.
High: Work Ethic
Born in:Santo Domingo, DIS
Height:6' 2"
Weight:200 lbs
Local Popularity:Extremely Popular
National Pop.:Extremely Popular
Contract:Major League Contract
Signed Through:2017 Season
Major Service:16 Years, 85 Days
Service This Yr:None
40-Man Service:17 Years, None
Pro Service:21 Years
Arbitration Eligibility:Not eligible, free agent after contract expires!
Option Years:2 option years left
Contract Extension: -
1999 Oakland - BSBL 21 71 265 71 21 2 6 37 26 16 4 1 78 21 17 .268 .318 .430 .748 107 109 1.5
2000 Oakland - BSBL 22 147 528 156 20 10 25 93 77 44 1 7 123 70 37 .295 .347 .513 .860 139 139 4.4
2001 Oakland - BSBL 23 153 558 144 39 6 16 97 73 65 5 6 132 70 28 .258 .338 .435 .773 109 107 2.0
2002 Oakland - BSBL 24 152 516 172 36 12 31 120 98 50 3 8 120 70 23 .333 .390 .630 1.020 176 179 7.2
2003 Oakland - BSBL 25 159 595 200 47 8 38 135 115 50 7 8 129 83 24 .336 .389 .634 1.023 181 184 9.3
2004 Oakland - BSBL 26 157 581 177 37 16 37 115 114 49 5 3 142 83 24 .305 .362 .614 .977 168 170 7.3
2005 Oakland - BSBL 27 158 578 165 31 5 30 97 103 54 3 4 152 72 26 .285 .347 .512 .860 134 132 4.8
2006 Oakland - BSBL 28 148 500 130 36 5 29 80 82 52 6 2 130 61 23 .260 .336 .526 .862 135 138 4.5
2007 Oakland - BSBL 29 78 263 78 13 4 17 49 42 23 3 2 67 24 6 .297 .357 .570 .928 159 163 2.4
2007 Sacramento - BSBL 29 78 272 81 15 6 15 55 42 19 3 4 72 20 13 .298 .346 .562 .908 153 153 3.1
2007 Total - BSBL 29 156 535 159 28 10 32 104 84 42 6 6 139 44 19 .297 .351 .566 .918 156 158 5.4
2008 Sacramento - BSBL 30 153 554 149 32 8 26 101 83 50 8 4 178 42 10 .269 .336 .496 .832 124 125 4.9
2009 Sacramento - BSBL 31 152 561 174 42 7 40 129 108 45 13 4 149 38 12 .310 .372 .624 .996 166 168 8.2
2010 Sacramento - BSBL 32 155 560 178 40 11 46 149 103 49 3 5 158 34 7 .318 .373 .675 1.048 179 182 9.1
2011 Sacramento - BSBL 33 156 568 169 41 6 28 100 79 55 7 5 141 33 20 .298 .364 .539 .903 147 150 6.2
2012 Reno - BSBL 34 154 561 159 33 17 33 94 100 62 5 8 148 41 12 .283 .355 .579 .935 149 137 6.3
2013 Mexico City - BSBL 35 160 558 175 40 6 28 101 108 57 6 7 107 46 13 .314 .379 .557 .936 152 158 7.0
2014 Mexico City - BSBL 36 154 538 168 32 9 35 120 104 48 7 8 134 35 10 .312 .371 .600 .971 160 165 7.1
2015 Mexico City - BSBL 37 103 368 107 18 3 20 70 59 29 3 7 72 12 4 .291 .342 .519 .861 130 126 2.2
Total BSBL 2488 8924 2653 573 141 500 1742 1516 817 92 93 2232 855 309 .297 .359 .561 .920 150 150 97.4
1995 Casa Grande - A 17 45 151 27 3 1 3 17 11 13 4 1 60 7 23 .179 .260 .272 .532 75 81 -0.6
1996 Casa Grande - A 18 133 494 129 30 4 10 50 34 35 1 6 164 34 57 .261 .308 .399 .707 130 127 2.2
1997 Casa Grande - A 19 48 187 58 15 5 4 28 25 16 3 1 46 20 24 .310 .372 .508 .880 169 168 2.1
1997 Palm Spring - AA 19 83 301 65 17 7 2 31 23 26 7 3 99 24 23 .216 .291 .339 .630 99 101 1.3
1998 Memphis - AAA 20 136 500 113 20 9 12 39 47 46 8 2 170 43 30 .226 .300 .374 .674 108 108 2.8
1999 Memphis - AAA 21 86 302 87 21 7 12 45 56 47 7 1 82 45 29 .288 .395 .523 .918 170 160 4.2
Total BSBLAAA 222 802 200 41 16 24 84 103 93 15 3 252 88 59 .249 .337 .430 .768 132 128
Total BSBLAA 83 301 65 17 7 2 31 23 26 7 3 99 24 23 .216 .291 .339 .630 99 101
Total BSBLA 226 832 214 48 10 17 95 70 64 8 8 270 61 104 .257 .314 .400 .714 129 128
2001 Oakland - BSBL 23 19 58 13 3 1 1 7 8 8 2 2 15 6 1 .224 .329 .362 .691 89 76 -0.5
2003 Oakland - BSBL 25 13 52 8 3 2 1 1 5 4 0 0 12 2 1 .154 .214 .346 .560 54 39 -0.8
2004 Oakland - BSBL 26 4 15 4 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 5 1 1 .267 .267 .467 .733 101 104 -0.7
2005 Oakland - BSBL 27 10 40 9 2 0 1 5 4 2 0 1 15 3 1 .225 .256 .350 .606 66 62 -1.1
2006 Oakland - BSBL 28 5 21 6 3 0 1 3 1 1 1 0 7 0 1 .286 .348 .571 .919 150 136 -0.6
2008 Sacramento - BSBL 30 7 27 5 0 2 1 1 5 1 2 0 9 1 0 .185 .267 .444 .711 90 90 -0.3
2012 Reno - BSBL 34 13 55 15 2 2 1 4 4 4 0 0 16 6 1 .273 .322 .436 .758 104 79 0.1
2013 Mexico City - BSBL 35 5 21 4 0 0 1 2 3 1 0 0 7 0 0 .190 .227 .333 .561 51 23 -0.4
2014 Mexico City - BSBL 36 5 18 3 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 8 1 0 .167 .250 .167 .417 18 11 -0.7
Total BSBL 81 307 67 13 7 8 25 33 23 5 3 94 20 6 .218 .281 .384 .665 81 68
1999 Oakland - MLB LF 68 67 138 5 3 148 5 .966 600.2 2.14 +7.0 1.023
1999 Oakland - MLB RF 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 5.0 1.80 +0.0 .996
2000 Oakland - MLB 1B 3 0 3 0 0 3 0 1.000 3.0 9.00 +0.3 1.052
2000 Oakland - MLB LF 141 139 223 6 2 236 7 .970 1227.0 1.68 +1.1 1.013
2000 Oakland - MLB CF 2 0 3 0 0 3 0 1.000 5.0 5.40 -0.1 .961
2000 Oakland - MLB RF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2001 Oakland - MLB 1B 18 16 146 5 11 152 1 .993 144.0 9.44 -1.9 .891
2001 Oakland - MLB LF 127 124 156 3 0 162 3 .981 1150.0 1.24 +2.4 1.013
2001 Oakland - MLB CF 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 2.0 4.50 -0.0 .969
2001 Oakland - MLB RF 2 2 6 0 0 6 0 1.000 17.0 3.18 +0.1 .993
2002 Oakland - MLB 1B 134 132 1079 63 77 1148 6 .995 1159.0 8.87 +3.0 1.028
2002 Oakland - MLB LF 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 11.0 0.00 -0.0 .000
2003 Oakland - MLB 1B 41 38 323 27 24 352 2 .994 347.2 9.06 -0.2 1.004
2003 Oakland - MLB LF 113 111 150 5 0 157 2 .987 1002.0 1.39 +2.4 1.006
2003 Oakland - MLB RF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2004 Oakland - MLB 1B 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2004 Oakland - MLB LF 150 149 198 7 1 211 6 .972 1329.0 1.39 -0.1 .977
2005 Oakland - MLB 1B 98 98 705 47 48 757 5 .993 840.2 8.05 +1.6 1.025
2005 Oakland - MLB LF 45 43 61 2 0 64 1 .984 402.0 1.41 +0.1 1.039
2005 Oakland - MLB CF 13 13 22 0 0 24 2 .917 120.0 1.65 -2.1 .885
2006 Oakland - MLB 1B 106 103 868 54 73 927 5 .995 941.2 8.81 +1.9 1.014
2006 Oakland - MLB LF 25 24 26 2 1 28 0 1.000 214.2 1.17 +0.3 1.058
2007 Sacramento - MLB 1B 15 10 86 6 10 92 0 1.000 96.0 8.62 +0.4 1.030
2007 Oakland - MLB 1B 62 62 494 31 35 532 7 .987 554.0 8.53 -1.8 .952
2007 Oakland - MLB LF 8 6 9 1 0 10 0 1.000 53.0 1.70 -0.9 .978
2007 Sacramento - MLB LF 61 60 106 5 0 111 0 1.000 511.1 1.95 +3.6 1.028
2007 Sacramento - MLB CF 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2008 Sacramento - MLB 1B 36 31 237 15 22 256 4 .984 292.1 7.76 -1.3 .943
2008 Sacramento - MLB LF 106 104 193 5 1 202 4 .980 935.0 1.91 +4.6 1.021
2008 Sacramento - MLB CF 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2009 Sacramento - MLB 1B 18 16 140 11 11 152 1 .993 146.2 9.27 +0.4 .996
2009 Sacramento - MLB LF 125 124 227 10 3 237 0 1.000 1101.2 1.94 +3.0 1.009
2009 Sacramento - MLB CF 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 1.000 2.0 9.00 +0.1 .973
2010 Sacramento - MLB 1B 5 2 12 2 2 14 0 1.000 20.0 6.30 +0.3 2.063
2010 Sacramento - MLB LF 139 133 274 10 3 287 3 .990 1183.2 2.16 +7.8 1.028
2011 Sacramento - MLB 1B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2011 Sacramento - MLB LF 144 138 270 8 1 283 5 .982 1249.2 2.00 +5.8 1.039
2012 Reno - MLB 1B 1 0 12 0 2 12 0 1.000 9.0 12.00 +0.0 1.027
2012 Reno - MLB LF 142 135 233 10 1 247 4 .984 1251.1 1.75 +6.9 1.051
2013 Mexico City - MLB 1B 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 1.000 2.0 9.00 +0.0 .000
2013 Mexico City - MLB LF 141 139 181 12 2 195 2 .990 1226.0 1.42 -0.5 1.035
2013 Mexico City - MLB CF 5 0 3 0 0 3 0 1.000 9.0 3.00 -0.0 .976
2014 Mexico City - MLB LF 141 134 217 8 3 227 2 .991 1194.2 1.70 +1.8 1.037
2014 Mexico City - MLB CF 3 1 1 0 0 2 1 .500 11.2 0.77 -0.9 .490
2015 Mexico City - MLB LF 94 92 148 2 0 154 4 .974 804.1 1.68 +2.0 1.013
2015 Mexico City - MLB CF 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1.000 1.0 9.00 -0.3 .000
TOTAL 1B 539 508 4107 261 315 4399 31 .993 4557.0 8.63 +2.9 1.005
TOTAL LF 1772 1723 2810 101 21 2959 48 .984 15447.0 1.70 +47.2 1.022
TOTAL CF 28 15 32 1 0 36 3 .917 153.2 1.93 -3.3 .884
TOTAL RF 3 2 7 0 0 7 0 1.000 22.0 2.86 +0.1 .993
08/07/1994 Entered the Big Sky Baseball as an international amateur free agent from Dominican Republic.
08/10/1994 Signed a minor league contract ($15,000,000 bonus) out of Dominican Republic with the Long Beach Ports organization.
01/01/1995 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 3 (9); Power: 2 (9); Eye: 2 (6).
01/01/1996 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 4 (9); Power: 3 (9); Eye: 2 (6).
04/01/1996 Named the #17 prospect in the BSBL
01/01/1997 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 5 (9); Power: 4 (9); Eye: 3 (6).
04/07/1997 Named the #15 prospect in the BSBL
05/26/1997 Wins the BSBLA PCLA Player of the Week Award.
01/01/1998 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (9); Power: 4 (9); Eye: 5 (6).
02/04/1998 Was traded by the Long Beach Ports to the Oakland Acorns, along with CF Arthur Sackett, LF Pedro Manuel, a 1st draft pick, in exchange for SP José Ortíz.
04/06/1998 Named the #17 prospect in the BSBL
07/27/1998 Wins the BSBLAAA PCL AAA Player of the Week Award.
10/06/1998 Wins the 1998 BSBL Triple A Round 3 with the Memphis Chicks!
01/01/1999 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (9); Power: 6 (9); Eye: 6 (6).
04/05/1999 Named the #11 prospect in the BSBL
06/01/1999 Wins the BSBLAAA PCL AAA Batter of the Month Award.
06/07/1999 Wins the BSBLAAA PCL AAA Player of the Week Award.
11/20/1999 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $300,000 through automatic renewal.
01/01/2000 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 8 (9); Power: 7 (9); Eye: 6 (6).
11/29/2000 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $300,000 through automatic renewal.
01/01/2001 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 9 (9); Power: 7 (9); Eye: 6 (6).
10/29/2001 Wins the 2001 Series of the West with the Oakland Acorns.
11/21/2001 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $300,000 through automatic renewal.
01/01/2002 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 9 (9); Power: 8 (9); Eye: 6 (6).
05/01/2002 Wins the BSBL CL Batter of the Month Award.
05/10/2002 Hits for the CYCLE, going 4-5 against the Portland Beavers, with 2 RBI and 2 runs scored.
06/01/2002 Wins the BSBL CL Batter of the Month Award.
06/03/2002 Wins the BSBL CL Player of the Week Award.
07/01/2002 Was selected to the 2002 Big Sky Baseball All-Star Game.
07/09/2002 Earned 2002 Big Sky Baseball All-Star Game MVP honors.
09/16/2002 Wins the BSBL CL Player of the Week Award.
10/29/2002 Wins the 2002 BSBL CL Platinum Stick Award at 1B.
11/18/2002 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $8,125,000 through arbitration.
01/01/2003 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 10 (10); Power: 10 (10); Eye: 6 (6).
06/01/2003 Wins the BSBL CL Batter of the Month Award.
06/27/2003 Signed a 10-year contract extension worth a total of $221,650,000 with the Oakland Acorns organization.
07/07/2003 Was selected to the 2003 Big Sky Baseball All-Star Game.
07/15/2003 Earned 2003 Big Sky Baseball All-Star Game MVP honors.
07/23/2003 Goes 0-3 against the Sacramento Ironhorse, ending his hitting streak at 24 games.
08/01/2003 Wins the BSBL CL Batter of the Month Award.
09/15/2003 Wins the BSBL CL Player of the Week Award.
11/05/2003 Finished 2nd in 2003 BSBL CL Big Stick voting.
11/05/2003 Wins the 2003 BSBL CL Platinum Stick Award at LF.
01/01/2004 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 10 (10); Power: 10 (10); Eye: 6 (6).
05/01/2004 Wins the BSBL CL Batter of the Month Award.
05/05/2004 Hits for the CYCLE, going 4-4 against the Los Angeles Angels, with 2 RBI and 2 runs scored.
05/10/2004 Wins the BSBL CL Player of the Week Award.
07/05/2004 Was selected to the 2004 Big Sky Baseball All-Star Game.
07/13/2004 Earned 2004 Big Sky Baseball All-Star Game MVP honors.
11/05/2004 Wins the 2004 BSBL CL Platinum Stick Award at LF.
01/01/2005 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 10 (10); Power: 10 (10); Eye: 6 (6).
01/01/2006 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 10 (10); Power: 10 (10); Eye: 6 (6).
03/29/2006 Injured (Concussion), day-to-day for 2 weeks.
08/14/2006 Hits three home runs against the Homer Yetis, going 3-4 with 4 RBI and 3 runs scored!
08/21/2006 Wins the BSBL CL Player of the Week Award.
09/18/2006 Wins the BSBL CL Player of the Week Award.
01/01/2007 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 9 (9); Power: 9 (9); Eye: 6 (6).
06/14/2007 Injured (back spasms),day-to-day for 2 days.
06/30/2007 Was traded by the Oakland Acorns to the Sacramento Ironhorse in exchange for SP José Lara, 1B Fernando Martínez, a 1st round draft pick, and a 2nd round draft pick.
07/02/2007 Was selected to the 2007 Big Sky Baseball All-Star Game.
07/02/2007 Goes 5-5 against the San Bernardino Stallions, with 1 2B, 1 HR, 4 RBI and 2 R.
07/09/2007 Wins the BSBL CL Player of the Week Award.
09/10/2007 Wins the BSBL CL Player of the Week Award.
10/01/2007 Wins the BSBL CL Batter of the Month Award.
01/01/2008 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 9 (9); Power: 9 (9); Eye: 6 (6).
06/23/2008 Wins the BSBL CL Player of the Week Award.
07/01/2008 Wins the BSBL CL Batter of the Month Award.
01/01/2009 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 9 (9); Power: 9 (9); Eye: 5 (5).
04/26/2009 Collects his 1000th career Big Sky Baseball RBI!
04/27/2009 Wins the BSBL CL Player of the Week Award.
05/18/2009 Wins the BSBL CL Player of the Week Award.
06/29/2009 Wins the BSBL CL Player of the Week Award.
07/12/2009 Was selected to the 2009 Big Sky Baseball All-Star Game.
08/12/2009 Hits his 300th career Big Sky Baseball home run!
11/02/2009 Wins the 2009 BSBL CL Big Stick.
01/01/2010 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 9 (9); Power: 9 (9); Eye: 5 (5).
04/28/2010 Hits three home runs against the Denver Grizzlies, going 4-6 with 7 RBI and 4 runs scored!
05/01/2010 Wins the BSBL CL Batter of the Month Award.
05/27/2010 Scores his 1000th career Big Sky Baseball run!
06/14/2010 Wins the BSBL CL Player of the Week Award.
07/04/2010 Hits three home runs against the San Bernardino Stallions, going 4-4 with 6 RBI and 3 runs scored!
07/05/2010 Was selected to the 2010 Big Sky Baseball All-Star Game.
07/13/2010 Earned 2010 Big Sky Baseball All-Star Game MVP honors.
08/01/2010 Wins the BSBL CL Batter of the Month Award.
11/01/2010 Wins the 2010 BSBL CL Big Stick.
11/01/2010 Wins the 2010 BSBL CL Platinum Glove Award at LF.
01/01/2011 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 9 (9); Power: 9 (9); Eye: 6 (6).
04/25/2011 Wins the BSBL CL Player of the Week Award.
07/04/2011 Was selected to the 2011 Big Sky Baseball All-Star Game.
08/11/2011 Collects his 2000th career Big Sky Baseball hit!
08/30/2011 Goes 5-6 against the Los Angeles Angels, with 1 HR, 5 RBI and 1 R.
09/05/2011 Wins the BSBL CL Player of the Week Award.
10/31/2011 Wins the 2011 BSBL CL Platinum Glove Award at LF.
11/22/2011 Became a free agent.
01/01/2012 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 8 (8); Power: 9 (9); Eye: 6 (6).
02/24/2012 Signed a 3-year contract worth a total of $74,000,000 with the Reno Silver Sox organization.
07/02/2012 Was selected to the 2012 Big Sky Baseball All-Star Game.
07/03/2012 Hits his 400th career Big Sky Baseball home run!
07/09/2012 Wins the BSBL PL Player of the Week Award.
08/01/2012 Wins the BSBL PL Batter of the Month Award.
11/01/2012 Exercised his contract opt-out.
11/01/2012 Wins the 2012 BSBL PL Platinum Glove Award at LF.
11/23/2012 Became a free agent.
01/01/2013 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 8 (8); Power: 9 (9); Eye: 6 (6).
04/01/2013 Signed a 1-year contract worth a total of $27,600,000 with the Mexico City Aztecs organization.
06/23/2013 Collects his 1500th career Big Sky Baseball RBI!
07/01/2013 Wins the BSBL CL Batter of the Month Award.
07/01/2013 Was selected to the 2013 Big Sky Baseball All-Star Game.
11/02/2013 Finished 2nd in 2013 BSBL CL Big Stick voting.
11/05/2013 Signed a 4-year contract extension worth a total of $92,000,000 with the Mexico City Aztecs organization.
01/01/2014 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 9 (9); Power: 9 (9); Eye: 6 (6).
04/14/2014 Wins the BSBL CL Player of the Week Award.
05/26/2014 Wins the BSBL CL Player of the Week Award.
01/01/2015 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (6); Power: 8 (8); Eye: 5 (5).
06/27/2015 Scores his 1500th career Big Sky Baseball run!
07/21/2015 Injured (torn hamstring),out for 6 weeks.
09/25/2015 Hits his 500th career Big Sky Baseball home run!
01/01/2016 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 10 (10); Power: 13 (13); Eye: 10 (10).
Year GS Rank
2003 149 6
2004 149 4
2005 154 3
2009 140 7
2011 138 10
2013 139 10
Year PA Rank
2003 663 8
2004 639 10
2011 635 4
2012 638 5
2013 628 5
Year AB Rank
2003 595 6
2004 581 6
2005 578 9
2008 554 9
2009 561 8
2010 560 5
2011 568 2
2013 558 6
Year H Rank
2003 200 5
2004 177 9
2007 159 6
2009 174 4
2010 178 3
2011 169 3
2013 175 4
2014 168 4
Year K Rank
2008 178 5
Year TB Rank
2002 325 7
2003 377 1
2004 357 3
2005 296 10
2007 303 2
2009 350 1
2010 378 1
2011 306 1
2012 325 4
2013 311 4
2014 323 2
Year 2B Rank
2001 39 9
2003 47 3
2010 40 6
2011 41 2
2013 40 5
Year 3B Rank
2004 16 7
2012 17 7
Year HR Rank
2000 25 9
2002 31 6
2003 38 2
2004 37 5
2005 30 8
2006 29 6
2007 32 3
2009 40 2
2010 46 1
2011 28 8
2012 33 8
2013 28 6
2014 35 3
Year SB Rank
2003 83 7
2004 83 7
2005 72 8
2008 42 6
2009 38 8
2012 41 8
2013 46 7
Year RBI Rank
2000 93 6
2001 97 7
2002 120 3
2003 135 1
2004 115 3
2005 97 7
2007 104 2
2008 101 4
2009 129 1
2010 149 1
2011 100 4
2012 94 8
2013 101 3
2014 120 2
Year R Rank
2003 115 2
2004 114 2
2005 103 5
2007 84 8
2009 108 2
2010 103 2
2012 100 4
2013 108 1
2014 104 3
Year IBB Rank
2001 7 8
2003 8 2
2004 12 1
2005 8 1
2007 6 4
2009 6 5
2012 17 2
Year SF Rank
2000 7 5
2001 6 9
2002 8 4
2003 8 4
2007 6 6
2011 5 6
2012 8 2
2013 7 2
2014 8 2
2015 7 5
Year EBH Rank
2002 79 5
2003 93 1
2004 90 1
2006 70 9
2007 70 2
2009 89 1
2010 97 1
2011 75 2
2012 83 4
2013 74 4
2014 76 3
Year AVG Rank
2002 .333 6
2003 .336 4
2007 .297 5
2009 .310 5
2010 .318 4
2011 .298 7
2013 .314 3
2014 .312 3
Year OBP Rank
2003 .389 6
2013 .379 10
2014 .371 10
Year SLG Rank
2000 .513 9
2002 .630 2
2003 .634 1
2004 .614 3
2006 .526 9
2007 .566 2
2009 .624 1
2010 .675 1
2011 .539 7
2012 .579 6
2013 .557 6
2014 .600 2
Year RC Rank
2002 129.77 6
2003 149.56 1
2004 132.55 3
2007 103.30 3
2009 131.13 1
2010 142.47 1
2011 108.34 4
2012 119.41 4
2013 123.60 4
2014 118.66 3
Year RC/27 Rank
2002 9.17 2
2003 9.26 1
2004 8.25 4
2007 6.80 3
2009 8.61 1
2010 9.54 2
2011 6.76 8
2012 7.52 7
2013 8.16 3
2014 7.97 2
Year ISO Rank
2000 .218 6
2002 .297 3
2003 .297 2
2004 .310 2
2006 .266 4
2007 .269 2
2009 .314 2
2010 .357 1
2011 .241 10
2012 .296 7
2014 .288 4
Year wOBA Rank
2002 .419 3
2003 .417 2
2004 .393 6
2007 .382 3
2009 .406 2
2010 .425 1
2011 .373 7
2013 .391 5
2014 .396 2
Year OPS Rank
2002 1.020 3
2003 1.023 2
2004 .977 4
2007 .918 2
2009 .996 2
2010 1.048 1
2011 .903 7
2012 .935 5
2013 .936 6
2014 .971 2
Year WAR Rank
2002 7.3 8
2003 9.4 2
2004 7.2 7
2009 8.4 1
2010 9.2 1
2011 6.2 6
2012 6.5 6
2013 7.2 4
2014 7.1 1
Friday, February 21st , 2025 - OOTP Baseball 25.11 Build 103